Saturday Morning Online DDA Meeting
Discover a wealth of experience, strength, & hope in a recovery programme for dual diagnosis...
Saturday Morning Online DDA Meeting
Every Saturday at:
11:00 hours (GMT)
On the Saturday morning DDA meeting, we try to have a focus.
We took a look at the just for today reading previously and focused on one stanza (line) each week.
We are now taking an exploratory look at the steps (12 + 5)
This is exploratory and not to be confused with working the steps. There is a workshop for this on a Monday evening.
Our aim on a Saturday morning is not to work on the steps but to explore them, what they mean to us, and how we've applied them to our dual diagnosis recovery.
I hasten to add that if there is a need to share outside of our focus, then that takes precedence.
Please feel free to join us to hear others' experiences of the Steps or share your own!
Meeting ID: 219 090 4678
Passcode: 923766
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