At DDA, we recognise that Recovery is not just about attending meetings. It’s about building a community; creating connections; and fellowship.
Therefore, DDA promotes and runs regular social activities for its members.
Before lockdown, we ran Bowling Nights and had Meals out; as well as a weekend ‘retreat’ in Leicestershire. These events are always extremely popular and thoroughly enjoyed by our members (*add some photos of these events).
During Lockdown, DDA Members have got more Creative! As a result, we now run a weekly DDA ‘Creative Session’ on Zoom, where DDA members can come and draw, paint, read poetry, write creatively and create music…it’s great! One of our members also runs regular ‘Gong bath’ meditations (no water involved!) and members find this a spiritual and very relaxing session.
Post lockdown DDA has specific funding (from Sire Halle Stewart Trust/University of West London), to run more social activities and DDA Members will decide what fun stuff this money gets spent on! We hope to do many things, such as walks; boat trips; museum trips; sports events (etc!!)
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